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Hanscomb are sponsoring a drinks reception for the 2022 FIDIC Kings College Summer School

Posted Mon 6th June 2022

Hanscomb are sponsoring a drinks reception for the 2022 FIDIC Kings College Summer School.


In June 2022 the King’s College London Centre of Construction Law will run, in cooperation with FIDIC, an intensive one-week course covering the FIDIC standard form contracts in practice. The FIDIC contract forms lie at the heart of many international projects, and this course will build on common law and civil principles in examining how FIDIC provisions and processes operate in various legal systems.

The course will be provided by leading practitioners and is designed to equip talented commercial managers, engineers and lawyers with advanced legal, commercial and practical knowledge in relation to FIDIC contracts and the legal background within which they operate. The FIDIC 1999 suite and the new FIDIC 2017 Red, Yellow and Silver books will be analysed in detail, with references to older FIDIC contracts such as the 1987 Red Book and 1995 Orange Book when focusing on experience drawn from particular projects.

Course topics include:
  • Procurement strategies, tendering and contract formation.
  • Party obligations: Employer, Engineer and Contractor.
  • Design responsibility, risk and insurance.
  • Early contractor involvement and BIM.
  • Prices, valuation, payment, variations and claims.
  • Change management and quality management.
  • Notices and claims procedures.
  • Time, delays, extensions of time, damages and taking over.
  • Delay analysis, proving delay and technique selection.
  • Quantifying the costs of change, prolongation, disruption, profit and overheads.
  • Suspension, termination, force majeure and exceptional events.
  • Dispute resolution, dispute boards, amicable settlement and ICC arbitration.
  • Workshops including delay analysis, practical issues of quantum and dispute board fundamentals.

The course leader is Visiting Professor Nicholas Gould, and the lecturers include:

  • Sir Robert Akenhead
  • Nicolas Bouchardie
  • Professor Dr Nael Bunni
  • Professor Phillip Capper
  • Virginie Colaiuta
  • Mrs Justice Jefford DBE, (High Court Judge, TCC)
  • Edward Corbett
  • Jane Davies Evans
  • Siobhan Fahey
  • Jason Fry
  • Jeremy Glover
  • Liam Holder
  • Adrian Hughes QC
  • Wendy MacLaughlin
  • Professor David Mosey
  • Aisha Nadar
  • Sir Vivian Ramsey
  • Marianne Ramey
  • Professor Renato Nazzini
  • Lindy Patterson QC
  • David Streatfeild-James QC