Nicholas Cane

Director Marine & Environmental Risk


Director Coastal and Marine Works


  • Bachelor of Science Honours, Coastal Conservation and Management
  • Society of Construction Law (Hong Kong)
  • Chartered Scientist
  • Chartered Water and Environmental Manager

Specialisms / Skills

  • Coastal and Marine Structure Design
  • International Arbitration Expert Witness Project Management
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Sediment Transport
  • Coastal flood and inundation mapping

Nicholas is an engineering and construction consultant and a specialist in coastal and marine works. His professional background includes coastal and marine structure design, hydrodynamics, sediment transport, marine environmental impact assessments and coastal flood and inundation mapping. As an industry leader in construction risk management in the marine environment, Mr. Cane can provide expert guidance for data collection and mathematical and physical modelling of marine and coastal environments to support environmental studies and impact assessments.

Having global experience across the worlds continents Nicholas has worked on some of the worlds largest and most demanding projects.

With his recent industry experience of Project Management Consulting (PMC), Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC), and Marine Environmental Impact Assessments, Mr. Cane can provide in-depth expert advice for almost all aspects of large infrastructure megaprojects in the oil and gas industries, chemicals export facilities, waterfront developments and maritime ports.
Most recently, Mr. Cane has been an appointed expert providing technical support and management to several large construction international arbitrations, providing preparation, analysis and resolution of construction claims and disputes for Liquified Natural Gas plants, Mining plants and Nuclear Power Plants.
His experience in leading marine infrastructure mega projects throughout the entire project lifecycle has fostered an expert in marine environmental risk management, coastal and marine technical subject matters, project governance, project controls, change management, project scheduling, contract review and assessments, process improvement, change order negotiations, dispute avoidance and the development or defense of construction claims. His client representations include many of the world’s largest and best-known participants in the engineering and construction industry.

2018 ‘Using Experts Effectively for International Arbitration’. Co-presented paper at King and Wood Mallesons law firm event. Hong Kong, (2018).
2016 ‘An approach to risk management for marine and coastal construction’. Paper and presentation to Institute of Civil Engineers & Chartered Institution for Water and Environmental Management, UK.
2013 ‘Effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation and climate change on beach management construction activities at Pevensey Bay’. Research paper, UK. Mouchel Group Pie.

LNG Processing Plant Construction, Phase 2 – Australia
Appointed construction logistics expert to provide analysis and a technical report to support project owners claims against the Engineering, Procurement and Engineering Management (EPCm) Contractor for failures in the planning and execution of logistics to a remote island. Mr. Cane is also leading the claim which relates to quarantine periods for vessels entering the project area where invasive species are an issue. He is also leading a team to determine weather related (metocean) issues related to the delivery of coastal construction materials and equipment to the environmentally protected island. The claim is in the region of AU$600 million.
Casino Construction Dispute – Macau
Appointed project manager for a construction dispute involving quantum and engineering issues on a new build casino in Macau with the arbitration seated in Hong Kong. The role required the coordination of multiple experts and supporting staff as well as being the point of contact with outside counsel in preparation for arbitration.
Power Plant Arbitration, Quantum Analysis – Jordan
Project Manager and supporting quantum expert for a heavy fuel oil/natural gas/distillate fuel fired electric generation plant in Jordan. He performed forensic investigations into cost claims such as the project staff salaries and thickening/mitigation. He was the supporting author to an expert report alongside the testifying expert for the arbitration tribunal and provided client facing management for the arbitration process.
Hydroelectric Dam Collapse Investigation – Laos
Project manager and lead construction consulting advisor to a Korean contractor in support and defense of claims and government committee investigation into a dam failure. Advised on matters such as the grounds for a force majeure claim.
Nuclear Power Plant Support Expert Role – United Arab Emirates
Environmental expert for reactor cooling system construction dispute on an international arbitration in the middle east (arbitration seated in London). He produced an expert report for cooling water stop gate construction issues including the use of antifouling paint for the submerged and semi-submerged structures.
LNG Plant Product Loading Facility – Australia
Named expert for a marine works dispute in Australia between the prime Engineering, Procurement and Construction contractor and subcontractor. Mr. Cane is providing expert input to various heads of claim including an extension of time claim for a 1.2km length of export jetty. His specific analysis involved metocean conditions directly causing delay to the sinking of caissons for the jetty structure on the coastal region of a remote environmentally protected island.

Iron Ore Mining Plant Construction – Australia
International arbitration supporting expert for an iron ore mining project in Australia. I successfully produced an expert report for a head of claim concerning contract termination losses. The claim was in the region of AU$1 billion. I also provided direction and input to other subject matter technical claims, delay claims and quantum.
LNG Processing Plant Construction, Phase 1 – Australia
Supporting expert on an international arbitration for an LNG project in Australia. Providing input to technical claims, delay claims and quantum for the main plant site related to 14,000 contractors change orders. Produced an expert memorandum regarding how change orders should be attributed under various project directorates for further analysis at Phase two of the engagement.
LNG Processing Plant Construction – Australia
Conducted the critical review of a delay experts report in support of a claim by a contractor against the project owner for an LNG plant in Australia. Reviewed the approach taken by expert for a ‘Time Impact Analysis’ and presented results to counsel.

Tahir Petrochemical Plant Project – Ain Sokhna, Egypt
Led the marine environmental studies (including models, and marine site data collection) for a petrochemical plant in Ain Sokhna, Egypt which includes a 400m jetty for liquid bulk, 6.5 million m3; of dredging, and offshore cooling water intake and outfall pipelines, each approximately 2km. He provided pre-financial closure support to the owner to present front end engineering design to the lenders engineer to secure funding. The role then led to the full Project Management Consultant (PMC) role overseeing the final design and construction. He initiated the ARM software application to the project and utilized the environmental risk library he had previously developed to facilitate the marine environment risk workshops. He also produced the safety exclusion zone report for the petrochemical export vessels.
Pacific North West Liquid Natural Gas Plant – British Columbia, Canada
Mr. Cane was the lead Coastal Environmental Specialist for a FEED of a suspension bridge, trestle and associated berthing structures of a Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) plant in British Columbia (Pacific North West LNG). This role required the application of multiple technical discipline risk libraries (including marine, bridge structures, and environmental disciplines) which had direct input to the planning, design and general project management. The role also required me to manage several specialist internal and external consultants, including the numerical modelling of a complex coastal delta system and marine ecologists and biologists. He also designed the environmental baseline data collection and monitoring regime for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.
Wylfa Newydd (Horizon) Nuclear Power Plant – United Kingdom
Lead marine specialist for the design review of a materials offloading quay and cooling water intake structure for a new nuclear power plant (which includes two advanced boiling water reactors) in Wales, UK. He chaired design and environmental risk workshops as well as engineering and construction interface meetings for the marine structures.
Borouge Sea Water Intake Pipe Collapse – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Successfully managed the forensic investigation team to identify the cause of the collapse of a cooling water intake pipe on the coast of Abu Dhabi. This involved leading a team of geotechnical, coastal and pipe hydraulics specialists.

York Potash Mining Project – United Kingdom
Appointed lead marine specialist and design consultant for the York Potash Limited mining project which required a bankable ‘Definitive Feasibility Study’ for a marine export facility for mining activities. Mr. Cane acted as the PMC and his specific role was to manage and technically review the outputs of the environmental (EIA) and design consultant Royal Haskoning DHV.
Gabon Infrastructure Project – Gabon, West Africa
Lead coastal works manager for marine structures for Gabonese government infrastructure projects, including the design and construction of a high-profile waterfront and port development project. This project required him to oversee the ESIA, conceptual and detailed design for the marine structures and reclamation design. He managed consultants such as Royal Haskoning DHV for the engineering design delivery and ESIA, and the main contractor (China Harbour Engineering Company). He also initiated a Gabonese ‘National Coastal Management Framework’ which required me to set up a steering committee consisting of government ministers and agencies, academic institutions and Non-Government Organisations. Mr. Cane based the approach to coastal management on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidance, and more specifically on the UK’s Shoreline Management Plan methods.
Owendo Port – Gabon, West Africa
Lead marine specialist and environmental consultant for the expansion of the Owendo Port quayside. He led the feasibility study and was technical advisor for the conceptual designs.