Ian Adams

Director Fuel Bunkering


Fuel Bunkering


  • Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology

Specialisms / Skills

  • Marine Fuel Bunkering

Ian Adams has been involved in the Shipping Industry since 1985 in various capacities, with P&O Cruises, Deep Sea Seals and Hamworthy. He is currently Managing Director of IMA Marine Ltd and Chief Executive of Maritime AMC Ltd. He was the Executive Director of the Dry Bulk Terminals Group between June 2013 and May 2016 during which time he was the head of delegation for the International Bulk Terminals Association (IBTA) at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) attending MSC, MEPC and CCC (previously DSC). Ian has an extensive knowledge of MARPOL and the IMSBC Code.

Ian was appointed Chief Executive of the International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) in February 2009, after having been its Secretary-General for seven and a half years. During his time there Ian gained consultative status at the IMO for IBIA. This resulted in him being involved in the process of the revision of MARPOL Annex VI from the outset. He was a member of the IMO Secretary General’s Scientific and Industry Expert Panel during 2007. He attended all the relevant meetings of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and the Bulk Liquids and Gases sub-committee (BLG) (now PPR) during which the final agreements were made. Ian also attended numerous meetings in Europe in consultation with the European Commission. He left IBIA in July 2011. With his wide experience, Ian continues to be in demand to present at conferences around the world about emissions from ships. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology (IMarEST)

Ian has undertaken the Bond Solon Expert course and is available as an expert in litigation or arbitration.